The Reincarnation Of The Sun Various
(Dunkel Prod. CD)Seven Norwegian Bands on this new label. Not a very asuspicious start as RED HARVEST grind into their three heavy metal/thrash offerings. Anstalt are more intersting, displaying differing styles - slowbeat electronics, ravey dance tunes and techno-influenced hardbeat (Totaly ruined ba the vocals as ever). VALHALL - don't you just know what they'll sound like? Vile grinding guitars. Go away. Dunkelheit, or is it Ministry? Acceptable though.
REMYL, (who have produced a fine LP, reviewed in MFTEQ8), give us three of their cyber-electro tracks . Alont with anstalt, they are the the most worthy of the bands featured here, (they use electronics, not guitars). PILEDRIVER are pretty good at what they do, (thrash), exept I don't like what they do. You might. HUMID seems to be a stoned hippy named Benny Braathen whose crap Woodstocky guitars should be burnt, maybe with benny tied to them. Two from seven bands. Not a good start.MFR